Imagine being unable to talk, walk, or use your right hand – without warning. That’s exactly what happened to Tiffany, an outgoing 38-year-old who loves dogs, cooking, and Zumba dance classes.  She is a passionate and dedicated young woman, proud to serve on the YMCA board, organize leadership classes for minorities, and volunteer at her church.

Tiffany lives alone while she navigates this uncertain path of aphasia and stroke. Working hard in rehab for months, she still felt great sadness and anger about her speech:

This talking is coming along, but it’s still not right.”

Then Tiffany found a community that supported and guided her through MnCAN’s Confident Communicators Gavel Club, an Aphasia Conversation group, and the Speak Up Young Adult support group.  Now she’s joining the Talk to Me Drama Club too!

“It’s really good for me…  I’m reading, writing and talking.”
With only her dogs at home, Tiffany relishes these opportunities to practice.

Quickly, MnCAN became even more than an opportunity to practice her communication skills. Tiffany found a community of people who understand what she’s going through.

“They have been so good to me!”.

These peer connections lift her spirit.  She has a safe place to be vulnerable and gets great tips from her MnCAN peers.  She still struggles to say what she’s thinking, but no longer says, ‘I’m sorry.’  Instead, she’s learned to say, ‘one moment, its coming to me.’   Now, that’s a great tip!

Tiffany has big plans for the future.  She has her heart set on giving back through aphasia advocacy, motivational speaking, and is determined to write a book about her stroke recovery.

Since the beginning of her journey, she turned to her deep faith. “It was me and God and I said, ‘let’s do this’.”    Now, with bright eyes and a full heart, Tiffany says, “I want to tell (everybody), you can do this!”