* The Gavel Club was placed on hold for the Winter/Spring 2024 session. We hope to resume this group in the Fall of 2024.

Please email Angie at angie@mncan.org for more information. Thank you for your understanding.

What is the Confident Communicators MnCAN Gavel Club?

This group is affiliated with Toastmasters, International as a Gavel Club.

Purpose/Goals of this Group:

MnCAN Confident Communicators Aphasia Gavel Club will focus on opportunities to develop:

  1.  public speaking skills
  2.  leadership skills

This club is designed specifically by and for people with aphasia, with support of a speech-language pathologist.  Volunteers trained in supportive communication and aphasia friendly supports will also be utilized in this club.  Most participants, if not all, will be assigned for a speaking role each week. The participants will need to prepare for their speaking role. Our group offers the support of experienced volunteers to assist participants in preparing and/or practicing for speaking roles. Participants will schedule times to practice and/or prepare with the volunteer on an individual basis.

What will we do during this group?

  • It is structured like Toastmasters.
  • People will have different roles once you learn more about the roles.
  • You will practice giving prepared speeches and impromptu talks. All this with a lot of support – even between the classes if needed.
  • Volunteers will help if you get stuck during a talk.
  • Use whatever works! You in no way have to be a good speaker or an experienced speaker or be good at using words.
  • Use gestures and photos to give your speech if needed! No words needed!
  • It is about building confidence NOT perfection!

Jeannie Bridgeman, a person with aphasia and MncAN Board member, was instrumental in developing this program.  She served as the Gavel Club President for 3 years.  Jeannie was a member of a Toastmaster Club prior to her stroke, and recently joined a Toastmaster group in the Twin Cities.