Talk To Me Aphasia Drama Club
The Talk To Me Aphasia Drama Club was founded in 2020 by a person with aphasia with support from MnCAN. This club is an arts and drama outlet developed by and for people with aphasia. It provides diverse theater experiences for its participants. This includes theater-inspired activities, improvisation, gesture work, and script reading as able and performance opportunities.
The Drama Club provides aphasia friendly tools to participants including supports as per the supportive conversation approach to aphasia, and aphasia friendly written materials.
It is meant to be a fun experience, sharing laughter and time for communication and supportive fellowship as well as an acting experience. This group believes that each participant in the group can contribute and participate regardless of their experience or verbal ability. Adaptations to the activities will allow for any level of participation.
Meeting Day: Thursday
Meeting Time: 1:00-2:15pm
Meeting Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Additional Information:
- All sessions facilitated by a speech language pathologist, Jill Dimitri, with support from volunteers and/or graduate students studying speech language pathology.
- Tuition due at registration (discounted rate for second MnCAN group).