Aphasia Education

Minnesota Connect Aphasia Now (MnCAN) is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the life participation of individuals impacted by aphasia through comprehensive programs, education, peer connection and community support.

Aphasia Defined

Aphasia is a language disorder most commonly caused by s stroke that limits a persons ability to communicate. Aphasia DOES NOT impact intellectual ability. Aphasia can affect speaking, listening, reading and/or writing making every day tasks and conversations challenging. It can lead to painful social isolation. MnCAN can help.

Communication Partner Tips

  • Keep communication simple, but adult. Emphasize key words.
  • Reduce your rate of speech and stay on one topic at a time.
  • Speak to the person with aphasia and include them in the conversation; value their opinion.
  • Allow the person plenty of time to talk without finishing sentences for them and ask the person if they want help filling in a word. Avoid correcting their speech.
  • Maintain a natural conversational manner and volume appropriate for an adult.
  • Use supportive conversation tools like writing words or drawing; give written choices; demonstrate/show or gesture.